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         My calling to becoming a doula actually started in high school when I volunteered in the labor and delivery unit of a local hospital. I became impassioned about child birth and newborns. Initially I was on the track to be an Army doctor, but God had a different plan in mind for me. Somehow instead of becoming an Army doctor, I ended up an Army wife. While pregnant with my daughter I knew I wanted a natural birth, and felt best supported in that goal through a homebirth. I was so blessed to have a wonderful, natural homebirth and my husband and I began focusing on natural and holistic living in many areas of our life.

         My husband deployed to Afghanistan just after we  found out we were expecting our son. During this time I completed my Bachelor's of Science in Biology and Psychology. My husband barely made it home from Afghanistan for the birth of our son, and the thought of not having his support reminded me how much I want to be that support for other women. Helping to support military wives and families is very important to me.  I have used my journey in motherhood to research evidence based information on childbirth and child care. Helping to inform mothers of their chioces in childbirth and then act as an advocate and support system for them is my goal. As my son is now breastfeeding less and less, I am so excited to be able to come alongside women and support them through their pregnancy and childbirth.

         I am also a runner, photographer, and love to be outdoors with my family. My husband and I have hopes of owning land one day and having a small farm to support our family. We are very active in our church and enjoy helping lead worship. I hope to have a chance to meet you and assist you in your journey of motherhood.


         I am in the process of completing my certification in the McDoula Program (see for details). I have fulfilled all the requirements of "McDoula Labor Support Professional," by completing the 12-hour, very comprehensive Doula Skills Workshop. The McDoula program is multifaceted and involves a professional mentorship with two experienced professional doulas and regular peer review.

         I have also completed the CAPPA (Childbirth And Postpartum Professional Association) labor doula worshop. I volunteered in Labor and Delivery as well as the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) for four years. I was formerly CPR and NRP certified and am working to regain my certification. I completed my CNA (Certifified Nurses Aide program), but decided to pursue the path of doula instead. I am also working towards my Lactation Consultant Certification.


About Me

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